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por mateus publicado 09/04/2019 13h35, última modificação 19/09/2019 10h40
E-Book As mil e uma faces da Violência Domêstica.pdf por Nt3509 — última modificação 10/02/2023 19h20

Este livro “As mil e uma faces da Violência de Gênero” em forma de uma história de cordel analisa em pormenor esta forma de violência estrutural contra a Mulher. A falta de consciencialização de ser vítima é um obstáculo que dificulta uma melhor compreensão do problema da violência baseada no género.

Cuidados Palaitivos em Pacientes Oncologicos. A realidade do estado de RS - Brasil.pdf por Nt3509 — última modificação 30/11/2022 19h42

Doctoral Thesis in Medicine - FMUP, 2018. Palliative Care in Oncologic Patients the reality of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. Advisor: Prof. Dr. José Manuel Peixoto Caldas ; Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Altamiro da Costa Pereira; Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr Airton Tetelborn Stein. Keywords: Palliative care; extent of needs; chronic diseases; ageing population; care at the end of life.

Social determinants of health in pregnancy- the impact of migration por Nt3509 — última modificação 30/11/2022 18h01

Doctoral Thesis in Public Health - University of Porto. 2014. Advisor: Prof. Dr. José Manuel Peixoto Caldas; Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Diogo Ayres-de-Campos; Co-Advisor: Profª. Drª. Sónia Dias Keywords: migration; pregnancy and postpartum period; maternal health; social determinants of health; equity in healthcare.

A saúde das mulheres imigrantes - uma questão de cidadania e inclusão por Nt3509 — última modificação 30/11/2022 17h46

Doctoral Thesis in Sociology - ISCTE-IUL, 2016. The health of immigrant women: a question of citizenship and inclusion (EN) Advisor: Profª. Drª. Beatriz Padilla ; Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. José Manuel Peixoto Caldas. Keywords: Migrant women; Immigration; Health care; Social inequality; Social inclusion;European citizenship

Sou homem e pai sim! (Re)construindo a identidade masculina a partir da participação no parto por Nt3509 — última modificação 21/10/2022 16h29

Abstract - Objetivo. Compreender como as experiências de participação ativa do homem no pré-natal e no parto influenciam a ressignificação das identidades masculinas. Métodos. Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, com análise antropológica interpretativa e suporte etnográfico para descrição densa. Foram incluídos no estudo nove homens que estiveram em um hospital de referência em parto humanizado e participaram do parto de seus filhos no período de abril de 2015 a novembro de 2016. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, de cunho etnográfico, com roteiro flexível elaborado de acordo com as seguintes temáticas: participação ativa no processo do parto, sensações de acompanhar a mãe da criança desde a gestação e significado de ser pai após participar do parto. Os participantes discorreram sobre os tópicos de forma espontânea. As narrativas foram transcritas e analisadas na forma de categorias e interpretação semântica contextualizada. Resultados. Foram realizados, em média, oito encontros com cada participante. A análise das entrevistas revelou duas categorias temáticas: ressignificação das masculinidades e promoção do autocuidado. As falas caracterizaram o impacto da compreensão de que a masculinidade não se perde se houver uma participação do homem no parto e cuidado dos filhos. Além disso, mostraram que a experiência de participar do parto abriu uma possibilidade de aproximação do homem aos sistemas de saúde para a manutenção do bem-estar, ao invés de necessariamente para o tratamento da doença. Conclusão. Os homens revelaram que podem ser conscientes do autocuidado e empoderados na condução de sua família, garantindo a construção de uma nova identidade masculina na sociedade contemporânea. Palavras-chave Pai; identidade de gênero; construção social da identidade; saúde do homem

Turn down - turn up - a simple and low-cost protocol for preparing platelet-rich plasma por Nt3509 — última modificação 21/10/2022 16h25

Abstract - OBJECTIVE:To describe and analyze a new protocol for the extraction of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for use inclinical practice and compare this technique with methods that have been previously described in the medicalliterature.METHODS:We extracted PRP from 20 volunteers using four different protocols (single spin at 1600g, singlespin at 600g, double spin at 300 and 700g, and double spin at 600 and 900g). In another group of12 individuals, we extracted PRP with our new technique (named‘turn down-turn up’) consisting of a doublespin (200gand1600g) closed system using standard laboratory equipment (including an ordinary benchtopcentrifuge), where the blood remained in the same tube during all processes, reducing the risk of contamination.Platelet counts adjusted to baseline values were compared using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).RESULTS:Using the four previously described protocols (mentioned above), we obtained concentrations ofplatelets that were 1.15-, 2.07-, 2.18-, and 3.19-fold greater than the baseline concentration, respectively. Withthe turn down-turn up technique, we obtained a platelet count that was 4.17-fold (95% confidence interval (CI):3.09 to 5.25) greater than the baseline platelet count (p=0.063 compared with the double spin at 600 and900g method). The total cost of the disposable materials used in the extraction process was less thanUS$10.00 per individual. CONCLUSION:In the present study, we described a simple and safe method for obtaining PRP using low-costdevices. KEYWORDS:Platelet-Rich Plasma; Regenerative Medicine; Orthopedics.

E-Book DESAFIOS DO DIREITO PRIVADO CONTEMPORÂNEO- Novos Direitos Sociais Volume 2 por Nt3509 — última modificação 21/10/2022 14h56

A Obra que se oferece ao público, Desafios do Direito Privado Contemporâneo: Novos Direitos Sociais, apresenta coletânea de textos que problematiza os desafios da humanização do direito privado no Brasil. O Volume II continua com a apresentação de reflexões de pesquisadores de três países – Brasil, Portugal e Espanha

E-Book DESAFIOS DO DIREITO PRIVADO CONTEMPORÂNEO- Novos Direitos Sociais Volume 1 por Nt3509 — última modificação 21/10/2022 14h53

A Obra que se oferece ao público, Desafios do Direito Privado Contemporâneo: Novos Direitos Sociais, apresenta coletânea de textos que problematiza os desafios da humanização do direito privado no Brasil. O Volume I apresenta reflexões de pesquisadores de três países – Brasil, Portugal e Espanha.

E-Book Prevenção e tratamento de HIV-AIDS para HSH e mulheres trans, travestis crises e desafios .pdf por Nt3509 — última modificação 20/10/2022 12h12

La lectura atenta de este libro esclarece cuestiones hasta ahora poco o nada conocidas, enriquece el debate científico sobre la cuestión y resulta muy recomendable e inspiradora no solamente para los gestores y profesionales de la salud pública, sino también para los investigadores, así como para aquellos miembros de la sociedad civil interesados en la materia.


Os estudos aqui compartilhados discutem questões e indicam possibilidades, de uma aproximação lacaniana, em que se toma em consideração a existência da pessoa idosa, para em respeito a ela, elaborarem-se propostas à institucionalização de espaços, de práticas, de procedimentos, mas sobretudo, do reconhecimento estratégico com ações para a manutenção da integração social da pessoa idosa na sociedade, da perspectiva de uma atualização, não apenas semântica de direitos, mas no estabelecimento de novos direitos que atualizem a dignidade do ser humano idoso, dando-lhe vigor à sua cidadania.

A Simple Double-Spin Closed Method for Preparing Platelet-Rich Plasma por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 19h17

Abstract - Objective: To describe and analyze a new protocol for the extraction of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for use in clinical practice and compare this technique with methods that have been previously described in the medical literature. Methods: Sixteen blood samples from healthy volunteers were collected. PRP was prepared using our new double-spin technique, consisting of successive centrifugation of blood samples with two different spins, without opening the container. Descriptive analysis of cell counts in baseline and PRP samples was undertaken. Comparison between cell and platelet count in baseline and PRP samples, as well as the statistical analysis, were done. Results: The mean platelet concentration ratio was 3.47 (SD: 0.85; 95% CI: 3.01-3.92; range: 2.48-5.71). The baseline whole blood platelet count correlated positively to the PRP platelet count (rP = 0.56; 95% CI: 0.09- 0.88; P = 0.023). The PRP was enriched for lymphocytes and monocytes but presented significantly lower counts of neutrophils and eosinophils in comparison to baseline. Conclusion: Results show a safe and easily reproducible method to obtain PRP for use in clinical daily practice. Keywords: platelets, double-spin, growth factors, orthobiologics, orthopedics, regenerative medicine, platelet-rich plasma.

Self-reported oral health of a quilombola population in the semi-arid region of Piauí por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 11h56

Abstract - The needy epidemiology of oral health in quilombola populations has been demonstrated by different researches, with the intention that studies be carried in order to identify and determine situations that are liable to be resolved through the help of social and health policies. Objective. To know the perception of oral health regarding oral discomfort and to compare it with general health in a quilombola population in the semi-arid region of Piauí. Methodology. Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study. From the adult and elderly population, a sample was calculated considering a margin of error of 5% and 90% of reliability, obtaining a total of 120 people as a minimum sample. Results. Inhabitants of the Canabrava, Tronco and Custaneiras quilombola communities participated - whose age ranged from 21 to 81 years old, SD±16.0. There is a predominance of: married (67.5%), female (60.8%) small farmers (90%), non-retired (71.7%), income of up to 01 (one) minimum wage (58.3%), and incomplete primary school (42.5%). Oral discomfort had a higher percentage due to the variable -Feels dry mouth (30.8%). There was a significant association (p= 0.031) between the perception of general health (excellent, reasonable and poor) and having oral health problems. Conclusion. The association between the perception of general health and having oral health problems reinforces the fact that the poor condition of oral health denotes a close relationship with the living conditions of this society, whether assisted or not by the government.

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: epidemiological overview in the Brazilian Northeast region, Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region (2010-2020) por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 10h00

Abstract - Introduction: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that has a high incidence in tropical and subtropical regions. Over the years it presents high expansion in all Brazilian regions, with emphasis on the North and Northeast, which shows vulnerable populations as the most affected. Investigating the epidemiology of these diseases is essential for the formulation and implementation of public health policies with the objective of preventing and combating the insect vector. Objective: To describe epidemiological data and their relationship with sociodemographic variables in relation to the incidence of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region between the years 2010 to 2020. Methodology: Epidemiological study with a quantitative and retrospective approach which used secondary data in relation to confirmed cases of the disease between the years 2010 to 2020 for the study region and qualitative variables. Results: The data showed a higher incidence of the disease in male individuals, of mixed race and with incomplete primary education. Conclusion: Actions developed by the public spheres with the objective of disseminating preventive campaigns associated with financial and technical investment to universities and research centers contribute to the development of researches and the elaboration of measures that act in the interfaces of prevention, treatment, control and eradication of major neglected tropical diseases. Keywords: Tropical medicine; Epidemiology; Neglected tropical diseases.

Factors associated with self-rated health in older adults por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 09h58

Abstract - Objectives: To assess factors associated with selfperception of health in older adults submitted to oral prosthetic rehabilitation in order to contribute to a more contextualized planning of public policies, actions and health services aimed at healthy aging. Design: Analytical cross-sectional study. Setting: Dental specialty centers. Participants: 244 people aged 60 years and older enrolled for oral prosthetic rehabilitation. Intervention: Interviews, oral examination and anthropometric measurements. Measurements: A questionnaire assessed demographic and economic data, general health and oral health and self-perception of oral health-related quality of life was measured by the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Performance in instrumental activities of daily living was assessed by the Lawton and Brody scale, mood was assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale and nutritional status was assessed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Results: The multivariate analysis showed that factors such as hospitalization in the previous year, diabetes and risk of malnutrition determined the negative self-perception of general health and current health status compared with 12 months ago. Needing assistance to perform AIDL significantly influenced self-perception of general health while income and vision problems interfered with older adults’ perception of their current health status compared with 12 months ago. Conclusion: Older adults who needed oral prosthetic rehabilitation exhibited a predominantly negative self-perception of oral health.

Sexual Function, Body Image and Quality of Life of Women with Advanced Cancer por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 09h58

Abstract - Background Few studies have focused exclusively on the sexuality and body image of women with advanced cancer and the physical and emotional impact of cancer treatment on sexual function. Objective This study aimed to examine sexual dysfunction, quality of life (QOL) and body image in women with stage III-IV breast, colorectal, and gynecologic cancer. Methods Sixty women completed the Female Sexual Function Index, the Body Image Scale, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. A Spearman correlation test was conducted to examine the associations among scale scores. Results Body image problems were inversely associated with global QOL (rs= − 0.357, p= 0.006) and functional scores (rs = − 0.489, p < 0.001), and positively associated with cancer symptom severity (rs= 0.394, p= 0.002). Body image problems were inversely associated with satisfaction with sexual life for both sexually active (rs= − 0.576, p= 0.005) and inactive women (rs= − 0.377, p= 0.023). In sexually active women, poor body image was inversely associated with sexual function (rs= − 0.544, p= 0.009), but unrelated to global QOL (rs= 0.304, p= 0.181). Conclusions More than quantifying sexual dysfunction, it is important to understand the reasons for disruption in sexual activity. The absence of an association between sexual function and QOL and the association between body image and QOL suggest that QOL and sexual function are distinct experiences, and that QOL scales are not enough to detect treatment-induced sexual changes, which are not addressed by health professionals. Keywords Cancer · Sexuality · Advanced cancer · Sexual dysfunction · Women · Portugal

Analysis of the Experiences of Polyamorists in Spain por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 09h56

Abstract - The objectives of this study were to determine and to expose the morphology of polyamorous relationships through their conception and characteristics, identifying experienced and perceived situations of discrimination, and to analyze the future expectations for polyamorous relationships. For this purpose, 11 people who were in a polyamorous relationship, with an age ranging from 26 to 57 years, were interviewed. The results show that polyamorous people define their relationships as casual, without possession, a lifestyle that includes friendship, trust, affection, and sex. The success of this type of relationship depends on freedom, respect for each other’s spaces, flexibility of roles, and sharing household expenses and responsibilities. All participants claimed to experience and perceive discrimination by their environment and society. Among their expectations for the future is continuing the relationship, even considering reproduction. Such relationships represent a breakdown of the monogamous society. Poliamory poses many challenges in an attempt to legitimize the diversity of relationships and environments of coexistence in our society. Keywords: Polyamory; Relationships; Discrimination

Oral Health and Quality of Life: Perceptions of Adolescents Enrolled in a Health Promoting School por Nt3509 — última modificação 19/10/2022 09h56

Abstract - Background-Oral health is an integral part of general health and constitutes an indicator of quality of life in adolescence. The present study aimed to know the profile and the perception of adolescents of a health promoting school about oral health-related quality of life. Methods- Quantitative studyof students of a health promoting school in Fortaleza using a questionnaire addressing sociodemographic data, general health and oral health status.TheOHIP-14 (Oral Health Impact Profile) questionnaire was also used. Results- Participants were 210 adolescents aged between 11 to 19 years, with a mean age of15.82, SD ± 1.269. The mean OHIP-14 score was statistically associated with: current general health (p=0.023); health in the previous year (p=0.003), hearing problem (p=0.004); use of medication (p=0.002) and difficulty in chewing and swallowing food (p=0.009). Conclusion- The adolescents believe their general health is very good or fair; however, selfperception assessed by the mean OHIP-14 score showed that oral health can influence quality of life. In this context, the Health Promoting School constitutes an important space for the development of political practices and pedagogical strategies through which health priorities and social actions can be truly incorporated into education. Keywords— Oral Health; Self Concept; Adolescent; School Health

E-Book Immigration & Maternity por Nt3509 — última modificação 29/09/2022 17h18

Iberoamerican Journal of Health and Citizenship January – June 2012 – Vol. I, Nr. 1 ISSN 2182-4185

E-Book Mulheres vizinhas de terras distantes por Nt3509 — última modificação 29/09/2022 17h15

Histórias de Vida de Mulheres Imigrantes Latino Americanas em São Paulo. Relatos duma diáspora e a luta pela inclusão social no País de acolhimento.